September 2006
  Modern Nutrition & Healthy Living

What does your future hold for you?

"Long term exposure to pesticides can lead to serious disturbances to the immune system, sexual disorders, cancers, sterility, birth defects, damage to the nervous system and genetic damage so start by feeding your family and friends non-chemical food."

I celebrated my birthday on our lovely yacht with a trip down the Thames, past the fabulous Houses of Parliament. Friends from Hot Gossip attended, with several titled people, many whom I have met through Georgina Bruni's great parties.

Group of friends on the yacht in front of House of Commons

Lord Leitrim (Tony) Molly & Susan on board the yacht

One of my guests was determined campaigner, Georgina Down, who recently won an award for her campaign, has vowed to fight on. For the last 5 years she has been challenging the Government over the dangers of pesticides. She was one of my guests and very pleased to find everything on the menu was organic! She said, "I eat organic wherever I can so the food was lovely. The boat is amazing and St. Katherine's Dock is a real haven, I never thought a place like that existed in London." She gave me some up-to-date information that I believe you should take into consideration when you want to look after your future:

Parkinson's and ME

The UK Government has recently rejected the concerns of its own Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution who had previously warned of the health risks to people from crop-spraying and concluded that chronic diseases reported by people in rural areas, including cancer, Parkinson's and ME, could be associated with pesticide exposure.

On seeing the Government's response Georgina stated, "It is an absolute disgrace. Successive Governments have continued to ignore the existing international evidence in favour of protecting industry interests over and above protecting public health."

Recent preliminary study findings from North Dakota have found clear evidence that pesticide exposure at relatively low doses affect brain cells.

During the first year of research, laboratory testing on rats demonstrated that the areas of the brain showing damage following pesticide exposure are the same areas involved in multiple sclerosis (MS), epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's and that pesticides can also cause severe damage to the gastrointestinal system and cause neurological dysfunction.

Gerald Groenewold, the Director of the Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) at the University of North Dakota (UND), that is leading the project stresses that "one of the most efficient routes that people are exposed to pesticides is through airborne particles, including pesticides carried on tiny bits of pollen."

Georgina states, "The preliminary findings of this new research is of great concern, especially to babies and children who are particularly vulnerable to the effects of pesticide exposure because their bodies cannot efficiently detoxify and eliminate chemicals, as their organs are still growing and developing. I have been highlighting for years the significance of exposure to airborne pesticides, particularly from the 31,000 tonnes of pesticides sprayed on UK farmland every year."

In stark contrast to the UK Government's assertion of pesticides safety, the European Commission recently acknowledged that, "Long term exposure to pesticides can lead to serious disturbances to the immune system, sexual disorders, cancers, sterility, birth defects, damage to the nervous system and genetic damage."

Georgina, who recently won an award for her campaign, has vowed to fight on. To follow her progress check out

Georgina Down accepting her Award

Filling up at the petrol station may have a new meaning.

What are the food conglomerates in the USA up to now?

Producers are feeding cattle with a high protein ‘petroleum' by-product called UREA. If cattle can eat petrol then why not humans! I wonder if the next step will be having us just hook up to the gas station for our daily ‘bread' just miss out the middleman - the cook? There is something very unpleasant going on and I believe I have just scratched the surface. What does this ‘petrol' food look like, what is it? Is it pellets?. Who would eat meat where the cattle were fed from petroleum. For years producers were giving the cattle cement so they would weigh more so what's a little petrol. I have not been able to get any more information but give me time

The New Asian addiction "chiki-chiki".

The world is suffering from obesity even countries that never had it before. I saw three very fat Chinese children waddling down the road, something I have never seen before even when I lived in Asia.

The government reports that one in three people will be dangerously fat by 2010. What a future, since the nutritionists suggest healthy food without mentioning it needs to be ‘non chemical' healthy food people are ignorantly eating salads filled with pesticides and wondering why they are still not loosing weight and getting ill.

The experts say that the children are getting fat due to lack of exercise, computers and TV. This may play a part but when you look at other countries that are seeing the obesity explosion in the poor areas where the only apparent difference is the junk food; no computers or TV to blame in these impoverish families. However, they can afford the cheap junk food and indeed ‘beg for it' mothers are reporting.

A survey published in the International Journal of Obesity within the past year examined seven countries for underweight-overweight households. The two with the highest prevalence of such families are in Asia:

These countries are still relatively poor, but incomes are growing enough for parents to give children a few cents a day for preservative-filled, processed foods lacking vital nutrients children need to grow properly. Adults who eat them merely get fat.

Caballero, director of the Centre for Human Nutrition at Johns Hopkins University's, wrote of the phenomenon in a recent commentary in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Changes in eating habits are visible on Jakarta's busy streets and in its outlying neighbourhoods as children like 7-year-old Raras, come home from school and beg their parents for change to buy "chiki-chiki" - potato chips, candy, fried cassava, cookies.

How important is water?

Tip for healthy eating: The organic food and wine that I served at my party was not that much more expensive and I felt I was doing my duty to my friends by not giving them cheap chemically filled supermarket junk. I have also been checking the water out. I had a case given to me for my party and found it to be excellent. Bottled at source in our Lake District, it contains natural levels of calcium and salicin an analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

I have a specially designed website to carry more detailed information on what you are eating and where to eat. I will be adding to it each month

Thank you for reading my page. You can e-mail me at: [email protected]

Eds Note: VALERIE AUSTIN is an author of six successful self-help books including SELF HYPNOSIS (Thorsons), journalist and trainer with an international reputation in the field of hypnosis. Her best-selling books and training help people achieve their full potential. She founded the Austin Corporate Stress Management Company focusing on reducing stress and anxiety amongst executives and CEO's. She is also founder of UKRAH (1992) The UK Register of Advanced Hypnotherapy. Valerie has also worked as a consultant in hypnosis at the Priory Hospital, the UK's equivalent to The Betty Ford Clinic, which specialises in food addiction and alcohol abuse. Her work in the film industry (Hollywood) interviewing movers and shakers, producing TV news segments and publishing celebrity magazines in London gave her invaluable experience for her current Harley Street practice.

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