Spring 2011 - Royal Wedding Issue
  Celebrity Psychic Scoop

I have been doing readings for approximately 25 years now. If you'd like to find out more about me, click on the tab to the right. Or you can go to my website (www.victoriabullis.com). Also, Google me!

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In the first issue of each year, I mention in this column that there is a 'Cosmic' or 'Higher' theme to the year ahead. And then during the course of the year I give tips, new ways of looking at the topic from a Higher perspective, etc, to move the process along.

I have been doing this for approximately 16 years on my website: www.victoriabullis.com

This year's theme is all about: creation. Meaning the creation of something important that has eluded you up until now.

Spring is a perfect time to create more in your life. Everyone feels renewed and revitalized to at least some degree, after the harsh winter months. This happens on multiple levels: with more hours of sunlight, physiologically we have increased Vitamin D in our systems; physiologically and psychologically we have increased endorphin and serotonin levels in the brain, which give us a sense of wellbeing and connectedness with nature – in Spring's case the newness of life, with buds, flowers sprouting up, baby animals, much more. This isn't just simple everyone-knows-this-information: it is contained within a fascinating discipline, Behavioral Neuroanatomy. Ie, clinically proven.

This winter has been very harsh. Spring in general happens to be the most gentle of the seasons; this particular Spring, it is especially important to be gentle with ourselves.

We all want to get out more, do more, with the longer days and better weather. While walking through parks and seeing the crocuses, daffodils, and tulips in abundance is excellent to consciously and subconsciously recharge our batteries, the month of April during this particular Spring is not as conducive to getting out for much else – there is another important factor going on: Mercury in Retrograde. In place until 23 April, this has some sort of a tendency to cancel out the exuberance of Spring and Spring activities; or at least puts a damper on them.

The one (well, so it seems the 'one' ...) good thing about Mercury retrograde and Springtime occurring simultaneously, is that there is synergistic support for what is one of the best activities for both – commonly called Spring cleaning! During the periods when Mercury is Retrograde, we are meant to go through accumulations of paperwork, clothing, items in cupboards and drawers, cleaning out anything no longer working for us. With Spring cleaning: ditto! So, what is meant on a cosmic level for this Spring/Mercury Retrograde is a much more concentrated, even intense approach to cleaning out what no longer serves us. Life is obviously shifting dramatically around us, and we need to be able to flow and be in the new paradigm. Old possessions will most definitely hold us back, more than ever before. Another way of saying this is that anything that keeps us in limited thinking and holds us back from what we want to create, needs to be tossed.

At the beginning of April I was interviewed by Christine Miller for my impressions of Spring this year, as this is such an important time in our evolution. You can hear a great deal more on this topic by listening to the interview on her website: www.resourcemagazine.co.uk

Christine has a sophisticated magazine, Resource. It is available in both a glossy and online version. Christine is a wonderful new addition to my section Words From The Wise, below.

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Hot off the press – my latest interview! By Cosmpolitan magazine ('Cosmo') – the online version, re dealing with Mercury Retrograde:

How to beat Mercury retrograde

Stay ahead of the game during the Mercury retrograde with these tips from psychic Victoria Bullis

Mercury Retrograde is a mystical astrological occurrence which happens three to four times a year, when the planet Mercury slows down, and appears to stop (station) and move backward (retrograde). It's an optical illusion (since there is forward movement) like speeding by a slow-moving train. It has been long regarded as a period where things do not always go as planned, misunderstandings, relationship breakdowns, house sales fall through and planes get delayed! But psychic Victoria Bullis has mastered the art of managing the retrograde with as little disruption as possible, so follow her top tips over the coming weeks and ensure your life stays on track!

1. First and foremost, recognize that everyone is affected by this (Aries and Virgos more than the other signs), that no one is quite on top of things, that they will frequently misunderstand what someone means when communicating/ is attempting to say. Understanding this will make one more cautious with all interactions with others.

2. There is a major impact on travel. More airport delays, luggage lost, ticket issues. Best not to travel at all during this time - unless going back to place you have known or loved. Then all seems mitigated to some degree.

3.This is not a time to purchases any electronics, whatsoever. From mobile phones, to laptops or any sound equipment, any issues that might be associated with the electronic items will increase dramatically.

4. Also NOT a time to move, home or office. Moves made during this time will not go as smoothly as those done before Mercury Retrograde, or thereafter. Estate agents all over the world understand this!

5. For romantic relationships, this is probably THE most impacted area of one's life, when Mercury goes Retrograde. This is a good time to not initiate anything new, keep the status quo, be sweet, playful, non-committal, and light-hearted. If neither of you has said "I love you" yet - don't ! Wait until it is at least 1 week over. This is SO important. New beginnings are very much more powerful just after this contraction period is over. WORTH waiting for.

6. This is also not an auspicious time to begin a new job. It is best to wait to begin anything new related to money or business opportunities, until it is beyond this phase.

7. What Mercury Retrograde is good for, is staying at home, not spending much time communicating with friends and family - AND performing such tasks as cleaning out closets, organizing one's wardrobe and the like. Toss/donate what isn't working for you any longer. This will free you up for new items - and even people - to come to you when the Retrograde phase is completed. Cleaned-out energy; availability for what is new.

8.The same is true for going through old files - whether they be literal files in a drawer or box, or on the computer.... i.e, get rid of deadwood, remove the files that are not working for you.

9. Mercury Retrograde is a great time to do research - into anything you have been putting off wanting to try, need to know, are curious about, etc. Perfect time to sit back, look up information, wait to take any action on it...

10. Another way to approach this time period is to mindmap what you want to accomplish (...there are many books and cd's easily available re this concept), learn new skills, wait for new beginnings that will be more easily available at the end of this waiting period.

AND - when this Mercury Retrograde period is over - get ready for new energy 'thrust' that will make all that you have wanted to accomplish, more easy to achieve.

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So much as been written re 29 April, that I wanted to offer a different perspective or two.

Even though I don't use astrology in my work, I still enjoy seeing what impact it has on different events and people. I decided to look into Kate's and William's charts as well as that of the wedding day itself. Kate is a Capricorn (earth), William is a Cancer (water); fortunately these signs are compatible. A wedding date under the sign of Taurus is auspicious. Besides Taurus' reputation as one of the most well-adjusted signs of the zodiac, it is also ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty; in Taurus it happens to rule love. In addition, the moon is in Virgo which will add another earthy element to the mix, and a practical one to their marriage. Lastly Mars, the planet of passion, is in Cancer which is good for adding strength to William's identity sector and Kate's commitment sector. They probably couldn't have picked a more promising day.

Another unique perspective is the connection they've evolved throughout history; through other lives, circumstances and countries. Out of the dozens of lives I am able to see, I am mentioning three. The first life where I see them together is in ancient Mesopotamia. In that lifetime she was his slave, sold to him when she was about three years old. He was a member of a ruling family then also. He cared about her and enjoyed watching her growing up into her teenage years; however when

a bride was chosen for him she was immediately jealous, had her banished and later killed. The next life worthy of note is one during the time when ancient Carthage was sacked. Back then, William was a young man in a family of influence. Kate was a cousin in the same family. They were secretly smitten with each other. When the army from Egypt began to sack Carthage, the two families tried to escape, each branch taking a different route. William searched for her to take her with his side of the family, but couldn't find her. She and her family were killed as they were trying to escape. Another life was at the time King Fernanand and Queen Isabella commissioned Christopher Columbus to find a shorter route to Asia. William was a financier and one of those directly responsible for organizing the financing of the expedition. Kate was an older noblewoman, very wise and even psychic. She had been chastised previously for giving information that ended up being accurate, so didn't let on what she knew: that Columbus would return but there would be a huge mistake made along the way. The mistake was that Columbus ended up in the Caribbean and east coast of the United States. She was secretly in love with him although he was more than twenty years younger than she. Of course not all their lives were regal; these seemed to be the ones to mention out of all the choices I had – other lives of privilege together. One of the reasons they were destined to be married in this life time is a result of unrequited love in countless others.

Diana is absolutely hands on, helping with the relationship, the wedding ceremony and their life together.

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A model walks the runway at the Ina Soltani Fall/Winter 2011-2012 Fashion Show at Vibiana in downtown LA's Fashion District. Vibiana is a fabulous venue; a former Catholic church, it was renovated to accommodate performances and other events.

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I have known Arielle since the early 1980s when she was making the rounds of bookstores with a then new author, Deepak Chopra ... I knew immediately that she was going to be big in her own right! She is not only responsible for making Deepak famous, but also the two authors of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield. As well as many more. Her book The Soulmate Secret is a best seller worldwide – because what she discusses in the book works! Arielle does seminars on creating one's perfect partner; she just did a big one in Ireland in June.

In the 1990's Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield convinced her to have her own series of books similar to the Chicken Soup books. There were six in the series, entitled Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul; I have stories in five of them. Arielle is an absolute master at helping people connect with their soulmates. Her husband Brian is a wonderful man and a true life partner. Arielle and Brian live and work in La Jolla, CA.

TIP #5

Here's what I know for sure: finding true love is possible for any one at any age if you're willing to prepare yourself, on all levels, to become a magnet for love.

This wonderful Universe of ours is set up to deliver the people and things we draw to us that our consistent with our personal belief system. If you don't believe you will ever find the ONE, then, guess what? You get to be right ...you probably won't.

If, however, you learn to believe that the ONE is not only out there but is ALSO LOOKING FOR YOU, then true love can be yours.

The basic Law of Attraction states that you will attract to you those things that match your state of belief.

Believing that your soul mate is out there is critical to the preparation of manifestation.

I believe that the Universe is always mirroring back to us our beliefs about ourselves and the world. If we believe the world is a loving and friendly place, then most of the time that will be our experience. But, if we believe the world is a chaotic, stressful and fearful place, then that becomes our reality. So, believing and knowing that your soul mate is out there is the most important part of the formula.

What if I told you that it's not your job to know HOW your soul mate is going to appear? What if I told you it's only your job to be ready, willing and open to love. Think about it this way: you really don't know where air comes from but you do believe that it's always there for you, right?

The same is true for love. It's there for you. It's always been there for you. You just need to remember the love that you are and once you do, the Universe will deliver to you the perfect soul mate.

Here is what worked for me and I know it can work for you: When I was in my early forties I decided to manifest my soulmate using everything I had ever learned about manifestation, psychology, spirituality, and the Law of Attraction. My intentions became crystal clear while I simultaneously cleared out the clutter in my house AND in my heart. I learned and invented techniques, rituals, visualizations and prayers that helped me prepare my body, mind, spirit and home for an amazing relationship. And they worked. I met my husband, Brian, who has exceeded all of my desires and expectations. He was and is everything I ever wished for.

Big love is possible for any one of any age if you are willing to become a magnet for love. Continue to live each day in the knowingness that you are in a loving, committed relationship as you savor the waiting for your beloved to arrive.

Arielle Ford
 Gaiam, Director of Affiliate Marketing

[email protected]
WK: 001 858-454-3314

MOB: 001 858-775-3318


Hot Gossip Christine.jpg

I've known Christine Miller for many years now, since we were introduced in London by Thomas Power. I am constantly amazed and inspired by her wide ranging talents as an inspirational author and poet, by the breadth and depth of the information she gathers together for her world class business and personal development magazine, and by her intelligence, wit and wisdom as she attracts leading thinkers into her sphere. She's a great friend, a compassionate, enterprising woman with a sure hand, on a dedicated mission to transform the world into a better place for people to lead happier lives, and she holds a vision for the future which brings hope and confidence to everyone in these times of chaos and uncertainty. Find out more about her at www.christinemiller.co

As Founder Editor of ReSource, a digital publication and web portal dedicated to personal and business growth which attracts contributions from top notch best-selling authors and public figures ranging from HH the Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, and Paulo Coelho to Edward de Bono, Bill Clinton, Marianne Williamson and Tony Buzan, Christine has conversations with some truly amazing people. First published as a glossy magazine in 2004, ReSource has recently launched an online member portal where, the complete archive of material is available to read at www.yourultimateresource.com.

I recently experienced Christine's wonderful interview skills when we talked about the concept of Spring and how to capitalize on the unique aspects of it: you can find our conversation here.

Tip # 1

It's tough standing out these days: you know you have great ideas and products that work with excellent results for your clients, but it's crowded out there and you need to shine to get noticed.

Drawing Out Your Essence

According to my interviewees, I'm an 'agent provocateur', a novel thinker and questioner who refreshingly reaches parts others do not - stimulating them into new areas of thought and ideas. It's a brilliantly synergistic process that gets great results for all.

They've asked me to offer a very powerful and effective service for business people, authors, speakers and leaders where we have a conversation which draws out the essence of their work. People tell me this provokes new thoughts and they gain invaluable insights into their purpose, passions and new possibilities.

One leading international multi-million seller engages me as his 'primacy effect' whenever he comes back from lecturing and book promotion trips because it helps him centre and relocate after months away.

What's the 'Primacy Effect'?

The definition of primacy is 'first in line' and refers to having the initial and strongest effect. It's the first thing you come into contact with, which can set the mood and agenda and give you first mover advantage.

How the Primacy Effect Works

Imagine you're visiting a place for the first time. Does the presentation of the entrance influence you? Is it bright and clean? Is the front door gleaming, cared for, with a welcoming feel that has you mentally anticipating a good experience? Or does it all need a fresh coat of paint, looking frankly down at heel? Crucially, what effects do the first appearances have on your anticipation of the outcome, what does it predispose you to expect and think of the place or person?

We only have a few seconds to capture the interest, approval, or support of those we meet, on or offline, so the impression we make in those precious moments is of paramount importance. This applies not only to face to face meetings, but to the information we present about ourselves in every situation. It's the first few words, the first looks, gestures and feelings we engender in those we meet that count - and we meet so many more people these days through online as well as offline interfaces, we'd better be sure we engage them upfront with the essence of who we are.

That's the Primacy Effect – and managing it is crucial to your success in being perceived as who you really are – as the expert in your field, the right employee for the job, trustworthy, accomplished and able to manage yourself and others. In terms of web presence and getting known, a good author or expert interview will give you exactly that benefit, constantly.

Bring Your Audience Closer, Faster

Because it not only demonstrates you as the expert you are, but is also expertly conducted to draw you out and present you at your best: an essential piece of your business and marketing toolkit, critical to your increased success and to gaining the best exposure on the web. It performs as a constant, global, 24/7 marketing and PR asset which can go viral and reach thousands, even millions, of potential viewers, helping to turn them into eager paying customers.

Let them Know You Better

You're transforming what would otherwise be a cold market into a warm market, because your interview will present the essence of you – you will appear natural and unforced, fluent and convincing, so your audience will feel they already know you, which allows them to begin to like and trust you and your work, so they will be open to your offerings.

4 Ways to be More Powerful:

Stand out as original, be recognised for your own uniquely valuable message

Be truly authentic so you are confident, relaxed and composed

Convey your message succinctly and memorably

Have powerful presence and maximise the number of potential clients you reach

These factors alone will radically improve your personal branding both on and offline, and enable you to capture the imagination and attention of a larger tribe of dedicated followers and customers. Get in touch to find out more.

Remember to check out Victoria Bullis's interview with me about Spring and how to capitalise on its unique aspects to transform your life here

Christine Miller

[email protected]
+44 (0)20 8998 1511
+44 (0)7957 858888


William is an extremely eclectic, interesting man. He is a part-time pilot for a large carrier, has the largest single-engine flying school in Paris, and is a leading expert in digital technology both for small/medium enterprises and home business owners. While working in Sweden for Ericsson and HP, he formed his first company, an early form of social media. Social media is changing so rapidly that virtually none of us can stay on top of all the new changes. William's tips will enable us to be more current and savvy re what is most important.

As William was swamped and not able to get the next tip to me, I am repeating an earlier one of his, for this edition. William will be back next issue with a fresh tip!

TIP #5


50% of your tweets at least should be organic, allowing the other half to be automatic.

That it's sent automatically does not mean it has to be rubbish. In fact it can be quite the opposite.

Let me explain:

Why do people follow you? Because of your skill, expertise, and because of the people you know, an expression of your true reach.

Finding relevant content and blogs displays skill, expertise, and true reach. These blogs have RSS and you can link those to your Twitter account. If done well, this "personal selection" can be very valuable to your followers.

Your automatic tweets should therefore

1. Be RSS linked to your own blog so your own posts obviously go out as "news"

2. Be RSS linked to the experts you follows blogs, once again getting the word out in real time

The sum of 1 and 2 should not excede 50% of your tweets, which is why all this takes some thinking.

Also make sure you refresh your RSS feeds, if they are the same as everyone else, your followers to become blind to your Tweets. Try and find an interesting combination of small blogs from people you like. No doubt they will love you back.


Connect on Ecademy
WK: +44 1276 684 194
MOB: +44 774 922 1787


I am so happy to have Emma Fairclough's additions to the Words From The Wise! She is lovely, sweet, charming and witty. I have been receiving her daily emergizers for several months now, and they put a smile on my face each morning. Emma agreed to be a contributor to this section right at the deadline for the column, so I suggested that she send along for this edition a few examples of her work. Next edition will contain more info!

I guess I always had a knack for making people feel good, but it was never something I saw as a talent. That's the challenge sometimes when something comes so naturally, you think everyone can do it, but they never can, not quite like you.

Yet a talent I did have and thank the Lord I realised it! A few years later and a few interesting turns along the way, Emergise™ (http://Emergise.co.uk) was born and Emergise™ became what it is today.

I think creating Emergise™ was one of the easiest things I've ever had to do! But isn't that one of the luxuries of being on your path, or being on purpose as they say.

You could say Emergise™ is a feel good company, a feel good company with a difference. The core of Emergise™ is keeping life fun, simple and the best ride you can ever have! That's my philosophy. That's my approach to life. There's quite a lot more to my philosophy but I'm keeping it simple (!) and I'll let you know more about that the next time we speak.

To me, I just do what comes naturally, but to the person I'm talking to, I'm offering unbridled, instant feel goodness and they love it! I remember someone saying "Wow Em, do you know how great my day would be if I could speak to you EVERY morning like this? There'd be no stopping me!"

So that got me thinking.

Whether it was my friends, my family or my clients, I had the ability to make people feel good very quickly. In this day and age when people don't want to spend hours having laborious conversations or reading pages and pages of books until they get that little nugget, I guess my little nugget answered all their prayers.

I wanted to help even more people be inspired and feel good, and not just that, I wanted to make them laugh too!

And so the daily Emergiser™ was born. (http://Emergise.co.uk/daily-Emergiser)

Every day you get a quirky little feel good message from me. Some of these messages will inspire you, some will be fun and make you smile and others will simply confuse the hell out of you! Life is hard enough as it is so the daily Emergiser™ is there to break it up a little for you, make it a tad easier and who knows, maybe even give you a giggle or two.


TIP #7


Are you finding enough time to write? Most people don't. Over many years of coaching aspiring authors, I have heard all kinds of excuses, but it all boils down to one idea: you need to make time for your writing. Notice that I said make time, not find time. You won't find any time anywhere. You need to consciously carve that time out of your busy schedule to ensure you deliver your book.

Successful authors treat their writing seriously, like the business project it is. They make sacrifices and make it a priority so that it actually happens. You may need to get up early or stay up later for the duration of your book project. You may do well setting aside 3-hour chunks of time before, during or after the business day and even at weekends. I don't recommend spending more than 3-4 hours at a time on the writing because you will become less effective and all the other things you have to do will be mounting up the whole time. But do put the exact times in your calendar. Don't leave it to chance and don't add "write book" to an already full "to do" list. That will just create pressure and stress which won't help your flow.

You may find you need to skip business or social gatherings that are not absolutely critical. You may need to explain to family and friends that your book is a top priority and other things have to go on the back-burner.

Books don't write themselves. In my experience, with the right level of planning and focus, you can write a full-length non-fiction book in about 100 hours. The problem is most people do not set aside the 100 hours to make it happen.

[email protected]
WK: +44 (0)845 003 8848
MOB: +44 (0)7764 163312


I am thrilled to have Beverly Hills Skin Care Expert Nerida Joy on board. Nerida Joy happens to be MY skin care expert, and she is amazing. She has spent countless years continually researching ingredients, products, techniques and all other aspects of 'skincare/ beauty' and she is an expert consultant TO Guthy Renker (the major producer of infomercials, many of which are on skincare lines). Her knowledge level in incredible.

She has a vast list of celeb clients, all of whom tout her abilities publicly: Jennifer Garner, Courteney Cox-Arquette, Isla Fisher, Catherine Deeley, Kate Beckinsale, Reese Witherspoon, Miranda Kerr and Tyra Banks.

Nerida Joy is a kind, lovely woman, sophisticated spiritually and I am very happy that she without hesitation agreed to provide a tip or two each month for my column.

Nerida Joy is now on the Editorial Advisory Board for NewBeauty magazine and blogs on the DailyBeauty Line-Up Topics under 'Expert Insight' for newbeauty.com/dailybeauty

TIP #4

Massage is fabulous for SO many reasons! It nourishes the skin by stimulating blood circulation, which is essential for cell growth. It also creates movement within the lymphatic system, which promotes oxygen supply to the cells and helps carry away waste and impurities. Massage removes excess fluid and puffiness in the subcutaneous tissue, tones and firms the underlying skin, soothes nerve and muscle fiber.

Website: www.Neridajoyskincare.com
e-mail: [email protected]
WK: 001 310 777 8897


Dr. Michael Oon is an established, world-reknowned Feng Shui master. He has carried out thousands of projects ranging from residential properties and real estate developments to the design of cities throughout the world since 1998. He is also a member of the Alliance Feng Shui team which has members all over the world including the entire west coast of the United States.

He specializes in enabling property developers to sell their buildings faster and at a premium.

Dr. Oon is a wonderful no-nonsense person and I am delighted to have him aboard. His website is full of many interesting tips and observations.

Dr. Oon had been a Forensic Scientist with the Metropolitan Police (Scotland Yard) in London for 20 years, before changing career paths and becoming a Feng Shui expert.

TIP #5
Feeling Stuck in your Life?

Have a clear out and change the energy in your property.

Get rid of un-necessaries and tidy your home.

Let new energy in by opening windows regularly.

Clean property.

For more information on space clearing procedure go to my blog: http://bit.ly/c1lXKP

Website: http://michaeloon.com
e-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: michael oon

LinkedIn: michael oon

Ecademy: michael oon
MOB: +44 (0) 7973 551184

WK: +44 (0) 1483 839898

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Here is what was offered:

A personal branding session from a mega branding agent colleague of mine, AJ. She is providing 90 minutes of time to help you create a high profile (SEO-Ready) on anything you like; your book (even if it is not written), a side business, rental property, handicrafts and so on. To win this session you will need to be the 3rd person to send me at [email protected] a comment about one of the tips you liked best and why.

AJ has been branding people for over 20 years and has played a part in the development of over 50 brands ... including Pampers, Olay, Head & Shoulders, Orbit, National Geographic, Duracell and Crest. (value £1200)

The winner of the last issue's giveaway is Bridget McLaughlin, actually a client of mine, since 1999. (and no, I did not give her preferential treatment! She was the 3rd person who sent in a comment!) Bridget is a Senior Regulatory Analyst for one of the US' largest utilities. She handles energy conservation, policy, legislation, nuclear activity, renewable sources (wind, solar, geo thermal), and is passionate about all aspects of climate change. For several years now I have been working with her to be a Person of Key Influence (as it is sometimes called) in the climate change/renewable sources arena, so I was very happy that she won this branding opportunity. AJ will help her package herself, give her strategies and approaches to become more noticed for her vast amount of knowledge.

Congratulations, Bridget, and many thanks again to you, AJ.

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This is a photo of Chrissie, who puts together the 'spiritual bracelets' I have been designing for over a year now...she is a joy to work with, efficient; a gem. The plastic bags full of beads on the table represent about 1/4 of my stock. I now have thousands of beads, and look for new, interesting ones wherever I travel. The bracelets are a success, and I love designing them! I have designed and had made 193 bracelets; except for about 10, each is entirely unique.

Here are a few examples of recent bracelets that 'went' immediately:

These were taken with my iphone; they look much better in reality!

rose quartz with gold buddha charm, lava beads with sterling skull (uber-'in') charm, brown agate with ancient Iraqi silver religious charm

I am offering two bracelets as the giveaway for this issue. The two will go to one person, and will be coordinated. At least one will be made from lava beads, which are amongst my current favourites – they are lightweight, trendy and can be paired with something elegant or very casual. One of my lines that I like most is lava beads with a silver skull or related charm.

To win the bracelets, be the 4th person to write to me [email protected] listing all the items tossed or donated during this Mercury Retrograde/Spring cleaning time.

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Although I had promised to do my next spa review in this issue, Editor Sally Farmiloe wanted to make sure I contributed a fairly substantial section on The Wedding. It ended up superseding two other features I had planned to include. So – next issue for certain! And I do have several in the ready to review.

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